A Reverse Hallmark Movie: Fair Play and Gender Dynamics

Hallmark movies have become a hallmark of romance movies. They crank out new ones every year, yet it feels like you’re watching the same movie over and over again. This familiarity might feel nice in your lizard brain, but it’s also a constant reinforcement of cisheteronormative expectations that borders on anti-feminist propaganda. But what if there was a movie that turned all of this on its head? Well, that’s Fair Play. In this blog, we’ll uncover how Netflix’s Fair Play is the complete inverse of Hallmark movies and an exploration of gender dynamics like never before.

The Hallmark Movie Formula

Ah, Hallmark movies. The cinematic equivalent of a warm, predictable blanket stitched together from a patchwork of clichés so well-worn they could probably navigate their own plotlines. These films are like comfort food for the soul, if comfort food was made entirely of sugar and served with a side of predictability. Let’s break down some of these tropes, shall we?

  1. The Big City Woman in a Small Town Wonderland:  She’s a high-powered executive, a writer on a deadline, or a lawyer on the rise, always from the big, bad city where life is as cold as the Starbucks latte in her hand. She ends up in a town so charming it makes her forget all about the lifetime of work she has put into building the career of her dreams. Women in business bad! Women in kitchen good!
  2. Mr. Perfectly-Rugged: Enter our male lead. He’s a carpenter, a baker, or maybe the owner of a charming, struggling inn. He’s got the rugged good looks of a man who’s never heard of a skincare routine yet mysteriously has perfect skin. He’s often a widower, a single dad, or just a guy who’s too good for the women in his town. He’s the human embodiment of a flannel shirt – warm, comforting, and a little rough around the edges.
  3. The Quaint Town Festival: Whether it’s Christmas, autumn, or some obscure town celebration, there’s always a festival that requires everyone’s participation. It’s the perfect backdrop for our leads to accidentally enter a pie-baking contest, raise money to save a family business from closing or share a dance under twinkly lights. This festival is crucial because, apparently, nothing says true love like a competitive gingerbread house-building contest.
  4. The Predictable Misunderstanding: Just when you think our leads are about to confess their love, a misunderstanding arises. Maybe she overhears part of a conversation, or he sees her with an ex. It’s a blip on the radar of their love story, but it’s stretched out to add a thrilling ten minutes of conflict to the movie that is solved in a 90-second heart-to-heart.
  5. The Happy Ending: There’s a kiss, probably in the town square, as snow gently falls or fireworks go off. The woman’s temporary stay becomes a permanent move, and our couple is now ready to start their perfect life together, surrounded by the nosy yet endearing townsfolk in a town with more festivals than residents. And somehow, no one talks about how they just met a few days ago, and her friends in the city aren’t begging her to reconsider this major life change over a medium-handsome man.


The Hallmark movie formula: a comforting, predictable parade of clichés that we can’t help but watch. They’re best enjoyed with a healthy dose of disbelief suspension, complete disregard of the feminist movement, and a willingness to embark on a low-stakes, high-sweetness journey to happily ever after.

Flipping The Script: Fair Play and Relationship Dynamics

First of all, it’s important to establish that Fair Play is different from Hallmark movies in every way. The beginning of the movie is a romantic love affair between hedgefund low-level financial analysts Emily and Luke, who have to keep their engagement a secret. It quickly turns violently hostile when Emily gets the huge promotion Luke has been gunning for. This movie doesn’t just challenge traditional gender roles; it drop-kicks them into the 21st century with a wry smile and a raised eyebrow.

In the world of Hallmark, men are as rugged as the mountains and as emotionally available as a cactus. Women? They’re as stiff and career-driven as a 1980s shoulder pad until they realize what they truly need is love and a good bake sale. But Fair Play laughs in the face of these stereotypes.

Emily isn’t just a high-heeled powerhouse, though she is clearly a fierce financial analyst; she’s a complex character juggling her ambitions, desires, and vulnerabilities. On the other hand, Luke is far from rugged with his soft “rich boy who has never had to toil a day in his life” features and is, in fact, very fragile in his masculinity. He’s layered, sometimes unsure, and honestly much more real than the one-note men of Hallmark movies.

Though Fair Play is ultimately a cut-throat thriller, Luke shows moments of respect for Emily that would never be featured in a Hallmark movie. Like when Emily unapologetically schools someone on the finer points of business negotiation, while Luke looks on in admiration, not intimidation. Or when Luke openly discusses his feelings without it being a climactic revelation. Imagine: real life being reflected on screen! Groundbreaking!

Beyond that, all of the characters in Fair Play aren’t just fulfilling gender expectations; they’re human beings. The women aren’t waiting to be rescued; they’re busy being their own heroes. And the men? They’re allowed to be vulnerable, unsure, and something other than the stoic pillars of manliness. This is quite the contrast to Hallmark movies, where men fix things (like leaky roofs and broken hearts), and women discover the joy of small-town festivals and relinquish their career goals.

Overall, “Fair Play” doesn’t just play fair with gender dynamics; it rewrites the rulebook. It takes the tired old tropes and gives them a much-needed shake-up, presenting a world where characters can be who they are, not who outdated scripts say they should be. So, if you’re tired of the same old “successful and mildly stressed woman gives it all up for a random stranger and new knack for knitting” narrative, Fair Play is your breath of fresh, gender-role-defying air.

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