Elevate Your Elevator Pitch

“So what do you do?”

When someone hits you with this question at a networking event, here’s what you don’t want to say:

“I work in finance.”

“I’m a financial advisor.”

“Money stuff.”

“Not much, you?”

BORING! While the “what do you do?” question is a drag in and of itself, it can be a pivotal moment in a networking situation when you need to capture interest and make a long-lasting impression.

That’s where a solid elevator pitch comes in. An elevator pitch is a concise, well-crafted introduction you can say in the time it takes to ride an elevator— around 30 seconds to two minutes. In this blog, we’ll explore the art of creating an effective elevator pitch that sparks curiosity and sets the stage for meaningful connections.

crafting your elevator pitch

Crafting Your Elevator Pitch

Crafting your elevator pitch is like composing a concise symphony of words that leaves a memorable impact. There are three key components when it comes to elevator pitches:

  • Clarity: Be crystal clear about who you are and what you do.
  • Brevity: Keep it brief; your pitch should be concise, avoiding unnecessary jargon.
  • Relevance: Make it relevant to your audience or situation, ensuring your message resonates and sparks genuine interest.

Crafting your pitch with these elements will help you create an introduction that truly shines.

Overcoming Challenges

It’s normal to feel nervousness or self-doubt when preparing to introduce yourself in a brief but impactful manner. One common challenge is the fear of not being e“interesting enough.” Everyone has a story to tell, and your experiences, no matter how ordinary they may seem, can be framed in a way that highlights your unique value.

Another challenge is feeling like you’re boasting or being overly self-promotional. Think of your elevator pitch as an opportunity to share how you can genuinely help others. Focusing on the value you can provide to someone else can help shift the mindset from self-promotion to mutual benefit.

practice your elevator pitch

Practice, Practice, Practice

Try rehearsing your pitch in front of a mirror or with a trusted friend. The more you practice, the more confident and comfortable you’ll become. And remember, nobody knows you better than you do, so trust your abilities and story. It’s uniquely yours, and that’s something to be proud of!

Real-Life Examples

Seeing a few examples of elevator pitches can help you craft your own. Here are some ideas to help get the wheels turning:

  • I’m a financial advisor specializing in retirement planning. I help individuals achieve their retirement goals by creating personalized savings and investment strategies, ensuring they enjoy the retirement they’ve always dreamed of.
  • I’m a financial advisor with a passion for socially responsible investing. I work with clients to align their investments with their values, helping them grow their wealth while positively impacting the world.
  • As a financial advisor, I focus on empowering women to take control of their financial futures. I provide tailored financial plans that address women’s unique challenges in building wealth and achieving financial security.

These elevator pitches are concise and highlight the financial advisor’s specialization and the value they bring to their clients. They aim to capture the listener’s interest and encourage further conversation.

Now it’s your turn! Use these tools to build an elevator pitch that speaks to your value and takes your career to the next level.

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